History Congressional Record Pennsylvania 18 Red or Blue District

Jevin Hodge AZ-01

Jevin Hodge is a business and community leader with a proven record of getting results for Arizona families and is running to flip Arizona's 1st District from Red to Blue. He'll be facing an entrenched GOP incumbent whose ethics violations for misusing campaign and taxpayer funds continue to haunt him.

Jevin is a problem solver who is committed to helping small businesses, non-profits, and governments find solutions to their most pressing issues, like combating the COVID-19 pandemic or expanding access to high-quality public education. Jevin leads organizations like the Booker T. Washington Child Development Center, the longest-running Head Start in Arizona. Through his service in the community, Jevin has seen firsthand the issues facing Arizona families and refuses to stand by while Republicans continue to make life harder. In Congress, he will be a champion for voting rights, income inequality, public education, and health care, and will always put the needs of his constituents first.

Redistricting has completely redrawn the maps in Arizona, and the new AZ-01 is largely made up of the old AZ-06, represented by Republican incumbent David Schweikert. With the current map — despite the GOP having a strong edge in voter registration within the district — Democrats would have won in 2020 but lost in 2018. AZ-01 is a true swing district. Republicans will be spending heavily to flip this seat, and we cannot afford to lose. Jevin Hodge must raise at least $5 million to flip AZ-01 from Red to Blue.

Rudy Salas CA-22

Rudy Salas is running to flip California's 22nd District and would be the first Latino representative from the Central Valley. Rudy has previously broken ceilings as an Assemblyman and the first Latino councilmember of Bakersfield city in its 112-year history. He is running to give the residents of CA-22, the district with the highest percentage of Hispanic residents in California, the voice and respect in Washington they deserve. His opponent, incumbent David Valadao, voted with Trump 99% of the time to cut health care and Social Security and raise taxes. Rudy has what it takes to flip this newly-drawn district and help hold the House.

Rudy worked his way up from laboring in the fields of the Central Valley with his father to graduating from UCLA to working at the city council. Throughout his five terms in the California state Assembly, Rudy has been fighting for more public safety funding, expanding workforce development programs, expanding veterans' and workers' rights, developing clean water infrastructure, and supporting for small businesses. Rudy secured $50 million of dedicated investments for Central Valley projects, secured millions for local students, and has a strong record of cutting costs for working families, such as voting against a gas tax for Central Valley residents.

Republicans spent $12 million to win this seat by less than one point in 2020 and have already spent a quarter of a million dollars in the district this cycle. The newly drawn CA-22 voted for Biden by over 12 points. The Cook Political Report has deemed this race a "Toss-Up." Rudy is not letting Valadao off the hook for failing to put the people of CA-22 first. There is an onslaught of money pouring into this race. Rudy Salas needs to raise at least $5.5 million to flip CA-22 from Red to Blue.

Jay Chen CA-45

Jay Chen has dedicated his life to public service and is running to flip California's 45th District from Red to Blue. His extremist opponent, incumbent Michelle Steel, won in 2020 by a slim two-point margin. She's sided with the anti-vax movement, spread disinformation, and wants to see Roe v. Wade overturned. Thanks to redistricting, Jay has an outstanding opportunity to win this district and bring common sense to Congress.

Jay earned a Navy ROTC scholarship to attend Harvard University. He has served honorably from the Korean Peninsula to the Middle East. As part of Operation Inherent Resolve, Lieutenant Commander (res.) Jay led an intelligence team and helped bring justice to the terror group ISIS. Following his service, he played a key role in the reserves with the military's response to COVID-19. Jay has served as a community college trustee and school board member in Orange County. Jay is also committed to expanding access to education. He's running for Congress so that all children have the opportunity he was given, and to restore integrity and accountability in Washington, D.C.

Republicans spent over $7 million to win this seat in 2020. But now CA-45 is more Democratic than ever, and Republicans have already poured over $2 million to attack him. Jay is running a fact-based, honest campaign and holding Steel accountable for her failure to put people before her deep-pocketed special interest backers. Jay Chen needs to raise at least $7 million to flip CA-45 from Red to Blue.

Brittany Pettersen CO-07

Brittany Pettersen has spent nearly a decade fighting for Coloradans in the state legislature and is running to keep Colorado's open 7th District blue. She knows how to put up a tough fight -- her double-digit win in 2018 helped the party take the majority in the Colorado state Senate. One of her Republican challengers is an ardent Trump supporter and the other is a former oil and gas company executive. Regardless of who wins the GOP primary, this race is expected to gain national attention.

While in the state legislature, Brittany has made it a priority to fight for the issues that most impact people's lives. She's taken on powerful special interests, made significant investments in public education, and is a fierce advocate of those who are often left behind. One of her proudest moments was getting Colorado's red flag gun bill passed, which enables judges to order the removal of firearms from people they determine to be at risk of harming themselves or others. She'll continue her work in Washington fighting the good fight and being a champion for Democratic values.

Redistricting has made this once-safe seat competitive for Republicans, and they're eager to take this open seat. Multiple far-right candidates have already announced their campaigns, and the GOP will spend heavily to claim this seat for themselves. She is mounting an impressive grassroots campaign and is already securing major endorsements. Brittany Pettersen needs to raise at least $5 million to keep CO-07 blue.

Yadira Caraveo CO-08

Dr. Yadira Caraveo gained a reputation for taking on tough fights and working to get things done in the Colorado state legislature. Now she's running to make sure Colorado's new 8th District goes blue. With a crowded GOP primary unfolding, hundreds of thousands of dollars are already flooding the race.

As a pediatrician serving families across this newly created district, Yadira wanted to help in ways she couldn't achieve by being a doctor, so she ran and became a state legislator. Yadira worked to pass legislation to lower the cost of prescription drugs, drastically limit toxic pollution, expand funding for preschool, ensure all Coloradans have access to paid family and sick leave, and protect renters from eviction during the pandemic. President Obama named Yadira a Champion of Change for her work with the ​​Union of Concerned Scientists in the fight against climate change. Even with her busy legislative schedule, Yadira continues working as a pediatrician and added extra weekend hours so she can see her patients. In Congress, she will continue working for families and fighting to elevate the voices of those long-ignored in Washington.

CO-08 is a new district and is rated as a "Republican Toss Up." But the district has the highest percentage of Hispanic voters of any district in Colorado, and if Yadira wins, she will be the first Hispanic woman to represent Colorado in the House. With 44% of the registered voters in the district identifying as unaffiliated or independent, Yadira has her work cut out for her to effectively reach and persuade them with her proven track record. Dr. Yadira Caraveo will need to raise $5 million to turn CO-08 Blue.

Annette Taddeo FL-27

Annette Taddeo, the first Latina Democrat elected to the state Senate in Florida, is running to flip Florida's 27th District from Red to Blue. Her opponent, incumbent Maria Elvira Salazar, only won this district by three points in 2020, and with Annette's entry, this has become a top pick-up opportunity. Salazar has a record of being anti-LGBT, voted against codifying Roe, and has been hit with multiple FEC violations for accepting illegal contributions, most notably from an attorney representing a Venezuelan dictator.

Annette fled Colombia at 17-years-old after her father, a U.S fighter pilot in World War II, was kidnapped by a Marxist terrorist group funded by the Cuban regime. After living and working her way through college waiting tables in Alabama, Annette moved to Miami in the wake of Hurricane Andrew to help her parents rebuild their lives. There, she started a small business, which was named one of the Top 100 Small Businesses in Florida. In 2017, Annette was the first Democrat to flip a Florida state senate seat blue in a special election, in a district Trump won by six points in 2020. She has spent her career fighting for core Democratic issues like a living wage for all Floridians, defending a woman's right to make choices about her own body, economic growth through helping small businesses, affordable health care for all Floridians, safe drinking water, and stronger and safer schools.

FL-27 turned blue in 2018 and flipped back to red in 2020. It is one of the most closely divided districts in the state. After a contentious redistricting process and because there was no viable Democrat in the race, the Sabato Crystal Ball rates this seat as "Likely Republican." Because Salazar stood with the insurrectionists and toes the party line, the GOP is spending heavily to maintain their grip in Florida and have targeted Annette. Annette Taddeo must raise at least $5 million to flip FL-27 from Red to Blue.

Christina Bohannan IA-01

Christina Bohannan is a law professor, former engineer, and Iowa state Representative running to flip Iowa's 1st District from Red to Blue. Her GOP opponent, incumbent Mariannette Miller-Meeks, won in 2020 by only six votes after a recount -- the narrowest margin of victory in a U.S. House race since 1984. And this district has only gotten better for Democrats after redistricting. Miller-Meeks has spent her first year in office voting against investments in southeastern Iowa every chance she gets, and Christina is ready to take her on.

In 2020, Christina decided to run for local office, taking on politics as usual and defeating a 20-year incumbent. As a state representative, she has been protecting working families, looking out for seniors, pushing for more investment in public schools, and helping Iowa families and small businesses recover from COVID-19. She has championed and passed legislation to crack down on human trafficking and elder abuse. In Congress, she will be a strong voice for the people who need her, not special interests.

IA-01 is more favorable to Democrats than the previous configuration where Miller-Meeks only barely scraped by, and is a critical pick-up opportunity Democrats need to win in order to maintain the Democratic House Majority in November. The GOP will spend heavily to win this seat and defeat Christina. Miller-Meeks is vulnerable, and Christina has proven to Iowans she is the best person to represent them in Washington. Christina Bonohan needs to raise at least $4 million to flip IA-01 from Red to Blue.

Liz Mathis IA-02

Liz Mathis has been an Iowa state Senator since 2011 and is running to flip Iowa's 2nd District from Red to Blue. She's taking on a vulnerable GOP freshman incumbent, Ashley Hinson, who is too extreme for the district and is infamous for taking credit for funding the infrastructure bill she voted against.

Liz is a lifelong Iowan and a problem-solver who can deliver results. As a journalist for nearly 30 years, Liz held powerful interests accountable, shining a light on issues affecting Iowans -- from the farm crisis to health care to the opioid epidemic. In 2011, Liz was elected to the Iowa state Senate. As a state senator, Liz has been a champion for families struggling with the state's Medicaid program and created numerous measures that focused on children and Iowa's economic and educational growth. Liz has also helped lead a non-profit that supports children and families who need mental health care, housing, and basic needs.

The Cook Political Report has already upgraded this district in competitiveness once this cycle, and Liz has built a strong grassroots campaign and is neck-and-neck with Hinson in the polls. Republicans spent over $9 million to win by less than three points in 2020 and are expected to spend even more to keep extremist Hinson in this seat. Liz is proving she's a force to be reckoned with and gaining momentum by the day. Liz Mathis needs to raise $4 million to flip IA-02 from Red to Blue.

Nikki Budzinski IL-13

Nikki Budzinski is a proven leader and champion for Illinois families, and she is stepping up to flip IL-13 from Red to Blue. A Republican has held the seat since 2013, but after redistricting, Democrats are well positioned to win this open seat. This once safely red district is now a major pick-up opportunity, and Nikki is an outstanding candidate to represent IL-13.

After college, Nikki traveled the country fighting to get the pay and workplace safety conditions people deserve. She worked for the International Association of Firefighters union to ensure first responders have the equipment, training, and health protections they need. She stood with the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union workers, making sure grocery workers and meatpackers got a fair day's pay and workplace protections. She also fought to protect workers' rights to collectively bargain for fair pay, safety protections, and benefits. As Governor Pritzker's senior advisor, Nikki successfully led the charge to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour. As President Biden's OMB Chief of Staff, she helped boost the economy in 2021 and helped set up the "Made in America" office to prioritize U.S. companies and manufacturers. By representing IL-13, she hopes to continue fighting to bring more good-paying manufacturing jobs back to our country and ensure no family is left behind.

Following redistricting, the newly drawn IL-13 went from solid red to "Lean Democratic" by seven points. Republicans will not go down without trying to find someone who will fall in line with extreme Washington party leaders. They will pour millions into this race to hold onto this seat. Nikki is already building an impressive campaign and will need to raise $4 million to flip this seat from Red to Blue.

Hillary Scholten MI-03

Hillary Scholten is an attorney, mother of two, and West Michigan native who has dedicated her life to helping people and is now running to flip MI-03 from Red to Blue. The Republican primary for this seat is in disarray as incumbent Peter Meijer faces an extreme Trump-endorsed candidate opposing him from the far right. This is becoming a rare and top pick-up opportunity: the new district has improved 11 points and West Michigan continues to trend toward Democrats. Hillary would be the first Democrat to represent Grand Rapids in 45 years and the first woman ever elected to this seat.

Hillary's call to service drew her to social work, where she helped members of the LGBTQ+ community who faced housing discrimination. She then went to law school, clerked for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, and later worked for the Department of Justice (DOJ) under the Obama Administration. Hillary is laser-focused on the issues facing West Michiganders and will work with anyone to deliver results.

Following a successful redistricting fight, this once reliably Republican district has become more Democratic, and Hillary is building a strong campaign to turn this seat blue. President Biden won the newly drawn district by eight points, and already it's been rated a "Toss Up" by the Cook Political Report. The GOP will be spending heavily in a desperate attempt to keep this seat -- regardless of which out-of-touch Republican makes it out of the primary. Hillary Scholten needs to raise at least $4.5 million to flip MI-03 from Red to Blue.

Don Davis NC-01

Don Davis is a veteran, educator, minister, and dedicated public servant who is running to keep North Carolina's 1st Congressional District blue. His opponent is a far-right extremist who has been accused of a pattern of domestic violence toward her family. She also continues to spread the Big Lie and marched at the Capitol on January 6th.

As an Air Force veteran, Don continued his commitment to public service by becoming the youngest mayor of his town at age 29. As mayor, Don fought for a better quality of life for North Carolina families by rebuilding the economy and investing in decades-old infrastructure projects. Don believed then, as he does now, that our government should work for the people. In 2008, he ran and won his first state senate election. In his six terms as a North Carolina state Senator, Don has served as a champion for eastern North Carolina, fighting for rural communities and delivering results for families. He worked to expand high-speed internet, raise teacher pay, ensure that military pensions are tax exempt, and secured over $215 million in funding to expand access to quality health care in rural North Carolina. Don has a proven record for delivering on the critical needs of our rural counties.

NC-01 has been a longtime safe Democratic seat and The Cook Political Report rates this district as "Lean Democrat." But his opponent has secured the backing of many controversial Republicans, including defeated Rep. Madison Cawthorn. The GOP will spend heavily to flip this seat, and with the majority on the line, Don Davis will need to raise at least $5 million to keep NC-01 blue.

Wiley Nickel NC-13

Wiley Nickel has been fighting for working families in the state senate and is now running to flip North Carolina's 13th District from Red to Blue. His 26-year-old opponent barely won the GOP primary on the backs of MAGA Republican dark money groups and promises to put America first, yet passes out "Made In China" campaign swag.

As a criminal defense attorney for the past decade, Wiley works every day to see that his clients are treated fairly by the North Carolina justice system. Before opening his criminal defense law practice, Wiley worked for two White House administrations, including President Obama's. Wiley has dedicated his life to improving the quality of life for hard-working families across North Carolina. From voting rights to quality public education to reproductive health care, Wiley has fought tooth and nail for the issues important to North Carolinians. As a state senator, Wiley worked across the aisle to get things done, including passing legislation to expand rural broadband and protect victims of domestic abuse. Now, Wiley's ready to take this mission to Congress as the next representative for NC-13.

Since redistricting, this open seat is now a top pick-up opportunity for Democrats in one of the fastest growing metropolitan areas in the country. The Cook Political Report rates NC-13 as a "Toss Up." With an extreme GOP candidate on the ballot who only recently moved from the other side of the state, Wiley can reach voters with his strong record and prove he is the candidate to represent their interests. Wiley Nickel must raise at least $5 million to flip NC-13 from Red to Blue.

Jeff Jackson NC-14

Jeff Jackson is a veteran, former assistant district attorney, state senator, and current Major in the Army National Guard who is stepping up to make North Carolina's new 14th District blue. His opponent is a far-right Republican who would be another rubber stamp for the MAGA party and disastrous for North Carolinians.

After a year-long deployment in Afghanistan, Jeff attended law school at UNC-Chapel Hill with help from the G.I. Bill before serving as an Assistant District Attorney in Gaston County. Jeff has a record of delivering results during his time in the North Carolina state Legislature. As a state senator, Jeff fought to lower costs for working families, create jobs, and kickstart the economy. He supported legislation to increase the minimum wage, expand Medicaid, invest in public schools and universities, and make housing more affordable. He's championed access to safe, legal abortion while voting against devastating Republican anti-abortion legislation.

NC-14 was created after population gains in North Carolina allocated the state a new congressional district, and after the Supreme Court struck down a Republican gerrymandered map. Voters in NC-14 have consistently supported Democratic candidates up and down the ballot in both state and federal races, and Democrats hold an almost eight-point registration advantage over Republicans, making this a top pick-up opportunity. But MAGA extremists are spending heavily to make this seat red and are attacking Jeff's sterling character and public service. Jeff Jackson must raise at least $4 million to make NC-14 blue.

Tony Vargas NE-02

Tony Vargas has devoted his career to public service and is now running to flip Nebraska's 2nd District from Red to Blue. In 2020, voters in this district voted for Biden but sent GOP incumbent Don Bacon back to Congress for a third term.

Tony is a former public school teacher and member of the Omaha Public School Board, and he has served in the Nebraska Legislature since 2016. He was re-elected in 2020 with more than 75% of the vote, the largest margin of any incumbent lawmaker in the legislature. As a state senator, Tony has developed a reputation for civility and getting things done for Nebraska workers and small businesses. He has successfully passed legislation to strengthen public schools, improve access to health care, encourage technology and innovation, and improve consumer protections.

In 2020, NE-02 was one of the only congressional districts won by a Republican that voted for Biden, making this a true swing district. While redistricting in Nebraska was led by Republicans and NE-02 is a "Likely Republican" seat, this district is a top target for Democrats to flip from Red to Blue — and Tony is the candidate for the job. Tony will face an unprecedented flood of outside money from GOP spenders desperate to keep this seat red. Tony Vargas will need to raise $4 million to flip NE-02 from Red to Blue.

Gabe Vasquez NM-02

Gabe Vasquez is a first-generation American who is running to flip New Mexico's 2nd District from Red to Blue. He is a champion for working families and is fighting to build an economy that benefits everyone. His GOP opponent, incumbent Yvette Herrell is a far-right Republican who voted against the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill as well as the Violence Against Women Act and promoted false and dangerous medical advice to treat COVID-19.

In 2013, after helping build one of Las Cruces' most successful startup companies, Gabe joined Senator Heinrich's staff and worked to solve problems for New Mexico businesses, communities, and families. He was also instrumental in the designation of the Organ Mountains Desert Peaks National Monument. In 2017, Gabe was elected to the Las Cruces City Council with over 70% of the vote. Gabe has delivered millions of dollars to create and improve parks, update the district's infrastructure, promote policy that created thousands of jobs, and help craft a comprehensive development plan that focuses on lifting families out of poverty. Previously, Gabe served as the executive director of the Las Cruces Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, worked in public lands conservation, and as a policy advocate promoting child welfare and family wellbeing at the federal level.

NM-02 has been a Republican stronghold with only one Democrat holding the seat since 2011. Redistricting has turned this into a major opportunity for Democrats. Herrell flipped this seat in a 2020 rematch that was one of the nation's most expensive congressional races, with roughly $35 million in total spending. Gabe Vasquez needs to raise at least $4 million to flip NM-02 from Red to Blue.

Bridget Fleming NY-01

Bridget Fleming, a county legislator and former prosecutor, is running to flip New York's 1st District from Red to Blue. Bridget is facing GOP-backed candidate Nicholas LaLota who attempted to defy New York election laws in 2020. LaLota has already failed at previous attempts to win local elections, making this a prime opportunity to flip this seat.

Bridget has spent her career standing up for Long Island families. As an elected official, Bridget has championed tax relief, environmental protection, and was a steady presence for residents throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath. Newsday called her "one of the most active and effective lawmakers in the county." Prior to serving on the Southampton Town Board, Bridget worked for almost a decade as an Assistant District Attorney in the Manhattan District Attorney's office. Bridget went on to become Managing Attorney for pro bono programs at the New York City Bar Association, where she led programs focused on homelessness, refugees, cancer, elder law, and trained volunteer lawyers to assist families of victims of the 9/11 attacks. Bridget is running for Congress to ensure that every child, no matter their race, religion, or gender, has the opportunity to succeed and live out the American Dream.

NY-01 is an open seat left vacant as the Republican incumbent is running for higher office. Historically, this has been a tight race, and The Cook Political Report rates it as "Lean Republican." Redistricting has made this one of the most competitive races in the state. It will be a tough race with GOP outside money pouring in. Bridget Fleming must raise at least $4 million to flip NY-01 from Red to Blue.

Jackie Gordon NY-02

Jackie Gordon is an Army veteran, educator, and public servant running to flip New York's 2nd District from Red to Blue. Following a contested redistricting process in the state, Jackie is running in a newly redrawn NY-02 district. This will be a rematch of her first run for Congress in 2020, and redistricting has opened the door to flip this seat.

Jackie was born in Jamaica and grew up in Queens, New York. As a member of the Army Reserve, she served our country for 29 years -- including four deployments -- before retiring with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in 2014. She was a dedicated and beloved guidance counselor at a public technical high school, mentoring and advising thousands of students throughout her 20-year career. She also served on the Babylon Town Council for nearly 13 years, where she worked to direct resources to veterans and military families as Chair of the Veterans Advisory Council. Jackie has served our country overseas and is now stepping up to serve us in Congress.

The new NY-02 district would have been within one point of voting for Biden in 2020 and will be fiercely competitive in 2022. The Republican incumbent is well-funded but is facing a primary challenge from the far right. Jackie knows how to build and run a strong campaign and has what it takes to fend off outside attacks in what is expected to be an expensive and cutthroat race. Jackie Gordon needs to raise at least $6 million to flip NY-02 from Red to Blue.

Max Rose NY-11

Max Rose is running to flip New York's 11th District from Red to Blue. He first ran for Congress in 2018, flipping this Staten Island and Brooklyn based seat when no one thought it was possible. But Nicole Malliotakis, a GOP handpicked and Trump-backed candidate, unseated him in 2020. Now, Max is running to win back this newly expanded district for Democrats. Since taking office, Malliotakis has tied herself to Kevin McCarthy, voted against making health and child care more affordable, opposed expanding voting rights, and has gone out of her way to advance the GOP's reckless agenda.

Max has dedicated his life to fighting for our country and earned a Purple Heart and Bronze Star for his service in Afghanistan. While in Congress, he passed a law to lower prescription drug prices and increased funding to combat the opioid epidemic. In 2020 he voluntarily deployed with the National Guard on Staten Island to help set up a COVID-19-only hospital. Following the 2020 election, Max served in the Biden Administration as the Senior Advisor on COVID-19 to the Secretary of Defense.

The NY-11 district has gotten several points better for Democrats following a highly contested redistricting process in the state. Max is a proven leader. He outperformed President Biden in this district in 2020 and has what it takes to beat Malliotakis, a "say anything to get elected" Republican in 2022. The GOP is and will continue to be relentless in their attacks. Max Rose needs to raise at least $7 million to flip NY-11 from Red to Blue.

Pat Ryan NY-18

Pat Ryan is a decorated combat veteran, small businessman, and county executive who is running in a special election to keep New York's 19th District blue and then must pivot to a race for the newly-drawn NY-18. He's running against a far-right Republican state senator who is well-funded and has been building his war chest to flip NY-18 for months.

Pat attended West Point and served two combat tours in Iraq as an Army intelligence officer. After leaving the military, he founded a small technology company, which grew to over 150 employees. As an executive, Pat managed a $25 million annual budget and worked to build partnerships with government and nonprofit organizations. He implemented worker-focused policies like paid family leave and created a jobs-training program for veterans without college degrees, equipping them with tech skills to ensure they had high-paying jobs. In 2019, Pat was elected to serve as a county executive where he spearheaded the efforts to provide direct financial relief to small businesses and residents, build supportive and affordable housing, and re-invest in mental health services, all while never raising taxes.

Despite being targeted by the GOP, both NY-18 and NY-19 lean Democrat, and the newly drawn NY-18 voted for President Biden by nearly five points. Still, The Cook Political Report rates them both as "Toss Up." With Pat recently stepping up to ensure this seat stays out of the GOP's hands, he is playing catch up and needs to build his campaign quickly. The GOP is already spending heavily, and Pat Ryan must raise at least $7 million to keep both NY-18 blue.

Francis Conole NY-22

Francis Conole is a U.S. Naval Academy graduate, Iraq War Veteran, and Defense Secretary Policy Advisor who is running to flip New York's newly drawn 22nd District from Red to Blue. As the GOP scrambles to find a replacement for their retiring representative, Francis has an opportunity to reach voters with the truth about what's at stake, fight for the hardworking people of Central New York and win their support to flip NY-22 blue.
Francis graduated from the Naval Academy three months before 9/11. Following his deployments, Francis served in the Office of Naval Intelligence where he led a branch of analysts to produce critical intelligence, and in 2008, he volunteered to serve on President Obama's Armed Forces Inaugural Committee. After serving, he used the G.I. Bill to earn an MBA from the University of Maryland, and an MA in National Security Studies from the Naval War College. Francis served as a policy advisor to Secretaries of Defense Ash Carter and Jim Mattis. He advised on U.S. Defense Policy for Jordan, Lebanon, and Israel, which resulted in being awarded the Defense Meritorious Service Medal. In Congress, he will be an advocate, putting his constituents' needs first to deliver real results.

With a GOP incumbent retiring, this seat is a top pick-up opportunity for Democrats. The former district was one of 15 districts across the country that voted for Biden in 2020, but was held by a Republican representative. The newly drawn NY-22 would have voted for Biden by seven points, and The Cook Political Report rates this race a "Toss Up." This is an excellent opportunity to flip this seat and expand the Democratic House Majority. Francis Conole must raise at least $2.9 million to flip NY-22 from Red to Blue.

Greg Landsman OH-01

Greg Landsman is running to flip Ohio's 1st District from Red to Blue. He has dedicated his career to making life better for children and families and is running to make sure the residents of OH-01 are well-represented in Washington. His GOP opponent, Steve Chabot was first elected 27 years ago and has spent his entire career fighting against the interests of his constituents. He voted against the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill, proving how out of touch he is with this southern Ohio district. Chabot even voted to overturn the 2020 presidential election. It's clear that Greg is the type of leader OH-01 needs now.

After decades of advocating for issues affecting children and youth, Greg was elected to the Cincinnati City Council. During his tenure on city council, Greg advanced comprehensive legislation on issues like eviction prevention, good government ethics, criminal justice, and equitable, growth-centered development. He fought consistently for youth jobs, affordable housing, comprehensive preschool, domestic violence prevention, small business support, and helped raise wages for city workers and strengthen relationships with local labor unions.
Since being redrawn, OH-01 has shifted and the divide has narrowed, giving Greg a real opportunity to unseat Chabot. There are easily 100,000 new voters who have never voted for Chabot. The GOP spent over $10 million to keep Chabot in this seat in 2020 and are expected to spend even more to attack Greg's record of fighting for families and putting their interests first. Greg Landsman needs to raise at least $3.5 million to flip OH-01 from Red to Blue.

Emilia Sykes OH-13

Emilia Sykes is running to keep Ohio's open 13th District blue. She has been working to level the playing field for the people of Ohio as a state representative since 2014. After a highly contested redistricting process, Republicans have their eyes set on this seat. But Emilia has proven she's a leader and has what it takes to hold this district.

Emilia made history when she was the first Black female lawmaker under the age of 30 to serve in the Ohio state Legislature. As an Ohio state Representative, Emilia worked to expand opportunity for families in northeast Ohio. She's fought for tax cuts for working families, funding for high-speed internet, higher wages and safer working conditions. During her first year as Ohio state House Minority Leader, the percentage of bipartisan bills passed was nearly double each of the previous two legislative sessions. Emilia has received numerous awards for her advocacy, including Legislator of the Year from the Ohio Minority Business Enterprise. She'll bring that same passion and commitment to Washington to stand up for the people she represents.

GOP lawmakers redrew OH-13, which has been Democratic for 45 years, but the Ohio State Supreme Court struck down their map. The fight for this district will be intense. The likely Republican opponent is a frequent Fox News commentator and a spokesperson, surrogate, and advisor to Trump. The GOP will spend heavily to influence this election and attack Emilia's successful track record. Emilia Sykes needs to raise at least $3.5 million to keep OH-13 blue.

Val Hoyle OR-04

Val Hoyle is standing up for hardworking families and small businesses by running to keep Oregon's 4th district blue. Her opponent, a well-known and well-funded Republican, is facing an FEC finance complaint after funneling campaign cash to a dark money group he controls in order to fund his campaign. Val has a record of winning and is the candidate to keep this seat blue.

In 2018, Val was elected to serve as Oregon's Labor Commissioner, where she fights to ensure workers are paid the wages and benefits they're owed and she oversees enforcement of civil rights and housing discrimination protections. During the pandemic, she fought to expand the Oregon Family Leave Act and advocated for legislation to ensure workers could continue to earn money part-time while retaining their unemployment benefits. Val secured a three-fold increase in settlements for victims of discrimination, and cracked down on employers who exploit their workers and compete unfairly with responsible businesses. As Oregon's State House Majority Leader, Val successfully advocated for policies that help families and communities thrive. She will be an effective voice in Congress and continue to make real progress.

OR-04 is a Democratic-held open seat and redistricting has made this seat safer for Democrats. But OR-04 has been a target of GOP Super PACs since 2010, and in 2020 the race for this seat was the tightest this district has seen in more than 30 years. Rep. DeFazio spent $5.9 million to hold this seat. The NRCC has this district high on their list, and Val Hoyle will need to raise at least $5 million to keep OR-04 blue.

Jamie McLeod-Skinner OR-05

Jamie McLeod Skinner is an emergency response coordinator, small business owner, engineer, and attorney. She is running to keep Oregon's 5th District blue. She's facing off against an extreme opponent who backs banning abortions, repealing the Affordable Care Act, sides with election deniers, and would be a rubber stamp for the extremist Republican Party and their dangerous MAGA agenda. OR-05 is a seat we cannot afford to lose.

Jamie began her public service repairing schools and hospitals in Bosnia and Kosovo before returning to the U.S. to manage refugee resettlement programs. In 2021, Jamie led wildfire recovery efforts as Talent's Interim City Manager, bringing in millions of dollars in aid and emergency housing. She serves as an elected board member of the Jefferson County Education Service District, was a former board member of the Northwest Health Foundation, and was appointed by Governor Kate Brown to serve on the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board. Jamie understands the challenges Oregon families are facing and will be a fierce advocate for Oregon workers, families, and the environment in Congress.

Democrats have held OR-05 for 25 years and Biden won the district in 2020. But it's now one of the most competitive races in the country, in large part due to redistricting. In fact, The Cook Political Report moved this race from "Lean Democratic" to "Toss-up." The GOP has OR-05 on their hit list. Jamie McLeod Skinner must raise at least $5 million to keep OR-05 blue.

Andrea Salinas OR-06

Andrea Salinas has been an advocate for Oregon families her entire career and is running to make Oregon's new 6th District blue. She's facing a wealthy Republican businessman and anti-choice, anti-climate opponent who has run for office four times and lost four times. Oregon's 6th District is a prime pick-up opportunity for Democrats.

As a pro-choice advocate, Andrea led the fight for more accessible, affordable health care, including helping pass the nation's most progressive reproductive health care policy that covers everybody in Oregon. And as an Oregon state Representative, she has worked to raise the minimum wage and pass the nation's most progressive paid family leave bill.

She also introduced and passed a bill that made Big Pharma accountable to consumers and led to lower prescription drug prices. In Congress, she will fight to expand access to abortion care, tackle the climate crisis, and solve the issues that matter to families in her district and across the country.

Oregon's 6th District is brand new as a result of the 2020 census and has a slight edge over Republicans in terms of Democratic voter registration. The Cook Political Report currently rates the district "Likely Democratic," and President Biden would have won the seat by a staggering 13 points in 2020. Andrea is a strong fundraiser and will be the first Latina elected to Congress from Oregon. The GOP is spending heavily in this race to install their out-of-touch MAGA candidate, and attacks against Andrea will be relentless. Andrea Salinas will need to raise at least $5 million to make OR-06 blue.

Chris Deluzio PA-17

Chris Deluzio, an Iraq War veteran and civil rights attorney, is running to protect our democracy and keep Pennsylvania's 17th District's seat blue. Chris will be facing off against a MAGA wolf pretending to be a moderate sheep who will vote to strip away health care protections, abortion rights, and force the far-right agenda on the constituents of this swing district.

After graduating from the U.S. Naval Academy, Chris served as an officer in the Navy and deployed overseas multiple times. He received his law degree from Georgetown Law and has been working to protect voting rights and our elections. He supports legislation like the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and the Freedom to Vote Act. Chris believes we're all served better by impartial and fair maps, not gerrymandered ones. He won't shy from a fight with those on the radical right who would attack our freedoms and throw out our elections in exchange for power. In Congress, Chris will fight for better jobs and greater opportunities while defending union, worker, and women's rights.

Biden won the old district by less than three points in 2020 after Trump won by a similar margin in 2016. But redistricting has made PA-17 more Democratic, and The Cook Political Report rates this district as a "Toss Up" now. Holding PA-17 may be the key to holding the Democratic House Majority. The GOP is flooding this district in their all-out bid to turn Pennsylvania red. Chris Deluzio will need to raise at least $4 million to keep PA-17 blue.

Michelle Vallejo TX-15

Michelle Vallejo is a small business owner, community leader, and women's empowerment advocate who is running to keep Texas' 15th District blue. Her opponent is facing serious allegations of abusive behavior towards a child, shamelessly spreads conspiracy theories, and is willing to lie and cheat to get elected. We cannot lose TX-15.

Michelle returned to Texas to help her father run their family business. There she co-founded the New Leaders Council STX Frontera chapter, which helps progressive community leaders across sectors advance equity in South Texas. She also co-founded Hustle + Socialize, an annual women's entrepreneurship conference providing resources and support for minority women in business in San Antonio and throughout South Texas. Most recently, Michelle helped immigrant rights' organizations transcribe interviews conducted with parents and children separated at the border due to the Trump administration's cruel "zero tolerance" policy, which were used to inform the Biden administration Task Force on reuniting separated families. Michelle is a passionate advocate and will be a champion in Congress for hard-working families.

TX-15 has sent a Democrat to Congress every single election since it was created in 1902. But Texas GOP leaders targeted this district specifically when drawing new congressional maps. Now, The Cook Political Report has moved it to the "Lean Republican" column. Her Republican opponent has raised more than $2 million and has spent more than $1.8 million already — plus she's got the backing of National Republicans, including Kevin McCarthy's PAC. Michelle Vallejo must raise at least $4 million to keep TX-15 blue.


Source: https://redtoblue.dccc.org/

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